What’s Democracy Bring Prosperity in Indonesia?

Indonesia is a democratic country. The provision about democracy is contained in the 1945 Constitution article 1 subsection 2 "Sovereignty is in the hands of the people and implemented according to the Constitution". A democratic country must ensure the sovereignty of the people. One of the recognition of sovereignty is direct elections. In direct election people can elect leaders according to their wishes directly. As one of the democratic countries, Indonesia has some experienced in political system. Substitution of state leaders is one of change factor in the Indonesia political system. It give impact to the Indonesian people have not prosperous. it seems there are people who must take pains to get a rice. What’s democracy bring Indonesia to the prosperity?
History of Democracy in Indonesia
The implementation of democracy in Indonesia is colored also by certain changes and adjustments. Beginning in the revolution (1945-1950), the physical revolution is still often, the implementation of democracy is considered not well. During the old order, Indonesia implemented a liberal democratic system which the president was only a symbol of the state and did not function as head of government (executive). At the same time, there was a change of liberal democratic system into guided democracy. The difference in the role of the president who is more dominant than ever. In 1966, Indonesia entered the new era, the new order known as Pancasila democracy. Unfortunately, the journey of democracy in the new order is considered to be failing because there are practices are contrary to the principle of democracy. Therefore, the period of reform replaces the new order and the government to rebuild democratic life in Indonesia. Democratic practices during the reform period were marked by democratic elections greeted enthusiastically by Indonesians.[1]
The implementation of democracy in Indonesia is still running today. Post reform, Indonesia had several times experienced a presidential change but the political system in Indonesia has never change. It may not thought to replace democracy with other systems. The Indonesian government believes that democracy is the most suitable political system to be applied in Indonesia.
Election in Indonesia
The primary concern of Indonesia’s elections and governance is remains corruption. It is colors elections from top to bottom: from the candidates buying votes for a little, the bribery of the chief justice of the Constitutional Court to institution trusted the rulings for local executive elections. Corrupt candidates make for corrupt officials, and they continue to influence a significant minority of voters through financial incentives. Voters may take money from candidates, but they don’t like wholesale corruption. The legitimacy of Indonesia’s elected officials and the quality of Indonesia’s democracy depends on improving transparency and accountability of government.[2]
Prosperity in Indonesia
In Legatum Prosperity Index 2013, Indonesia ranks 69th out of 142 countries. Actually, this position is not too proud for Indonesia. For the umpteenth time, Indonesia was left behind by Singapore (18), Malaysia (44), Thailand (52), Vietnam (62) and Philippines (66). When compared to the year 2012, Indonesia was declining because previously ranked at 63. But if you look at previous years, the 69th position is not bad because in the year 2009-2011, Indonesia has been ranked 85th, 70th and 70th.[3]
The Influence Democracy on Prosperity in Indonesia
The culture of democracy in Indonesia has been for many years. Theoretically, democracy is a very open political system and bring the country to the prosperity. Such as freedom and respect for human rights, should be make Indonesia a prosperous country, as well as other democracies the United States. But the theory of democracy does not work so well in Indonesia. In fact Indonesia has not achieved prosperity. Several international welfare measurement systems have stated that Indonesia is still far from welfare standards. The Indonesia’s people is not prosperous and many homework to be done to achieve prosperity.
Election is the most important instrument in democracy system, the people as individuals use their rights to determine actors to be leader the country. The Indonesia’s people in four times election post-reform have been experiencing practice of democracy, they votes their heads of government from heads of regions, President, as well as parliament members on the national (DPR) and regional (DPRD) and the Regional Representative Council (DPD). But in election processes, it is not every aspect has given the lesson of the substantive, which is the fair process and the State officials who are clean and responsible for the betterment of governance. But in reality, the happens has been process of destroying the values of sincerity, honesty and goodness which have been the cultural inheritance of the people, the actors include some politicians, State officials, and the Election Committees themselves. In such context, deviant actions by the election organizers, physical violence that happen through political whispers, verbal violence by some politicians in negative campaign and slanders (smear), money politics practices and so on, it become a potential bad picture of democratic practice.[4]
In the Post-reform, democracy practices in Indonesia is perception that the people are still poor, in the reality democracy practices still has not been upon. Democracy is weak and difficult sriously to many poor and middle people income countries. It is seems valid and not only their perception instant pragmatism, but also a fatal effect of bad governance.[5]
Now, the weaknesses in the previous system are repeated again. The people feel they have no chance to participate in democracy. In fact, corruption is rampant, a perpetrate by those who claim to represent the people. So far, there are not survey institutions have tried to examine of public involvement in this democratic system as what creates their sense of dissatisfaction and unrest of the people. The people want the system perfectly, the system of law enforcement and the representatives of the people to run as expected.
The Indonesia goverment must focus to the prosperity of people. In other side, prosperity is the last purpose of Indonesia. The finances to get the prosperity must bigger than democracy pratices, because democracy is about the people participation vote the leader country but the prosperity is about advisability of human life.
A New Electoral Mechanism
What the election produce the prosperity of people? Elections as democratic implementations should bring a better prosperity. New measures to bring an ideal and prosperous election are as follows:
1.      Multiparty limited system (6)
Indonesia have multiparty system. There are fourteen political party in Indonesia. It is so much and not eficience in electoral sytem. Angaran negara untuk dana partai politik sangat besar, sekitar 124 milyar. Anggaran tersebut tidak menjadikan partai bagian dalam memajukan kesejahteraan rakyat. Untuk mengurangi anggara yang besar tersebut harus dibatasi jumlah partai di Indonesia. pembatasan tersebut berdasarkan ideologi partai.  Each parties have ideologis, it is Pancasila, korservatisme, marhaenisme, nasionalism, religion, and nasionalism-religion. Maka dari itu, batas maksimal partai politik di Indonesia yaitu sejumlah enam partai.
2.      Presidential Threshold 10%
Saat ini presidential threshold adalah 20%, itu menyebabkan semakin sedikitnya kesempatan untuk menjadi kandidat dalam pemilihan umum. Seharusnya presidential threshold hanya 10% sehingga membuka kesempatan kepada setiap orang untuk maju menjadi kandidat dalam pemilihan umum. Pemilihan tidak didominasi oleh kelompok tertentu dan rakyat dapat memilih kandidat terbaik dari beberapa kandidat yang ada.
3.      The priority of public policy is the prosperity of people
Pembangunan infrastruktur penting, tetapi pemerintah tidak boleh mengesampingkan pembangunan kesejahteraan rakyat. Begitupun dalam pelaksanaan demokrasi, pemerintah juga harus tetap mengutamakan kesejahteraan. Kebijakan harus berpihak kepada rakyat.
4.      A great punishment for a money politic crime
Kejahatan money politik harus mendapat hukuman yang besar, hukuman tersebut bukan hanya untuk kandidat tetapi juga untuk rakyat yang menerima money politik. Sehinggga secara tegas tidak ada money politik dan membangun pemimpin yang anti korupsi, pemimpin yang berintegritas.

Ida, Laode. 2014. Sociology Department, Faculty of Social Sciences, Jakarta State University (UNJ). International Journal of Politics and Good Governance. Volume 5, No. 5.4 Quarter IV 2014

Indonesia Kreatif. 2014. The Legatum Prosperity Index 2013

L. Diamond. 2008. The Spirit of Democracy: the struggle to build free societies throughout the world. Times Books: Henry Holt an Company

Martha, Bainus, dan Heryadi. Pengaruh Pelaksanaan Demokrasi Terhadap Kesejahteraan: Teori Dan Realita (Studi Kasus: Indonesia). Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, Universitas Padjajaran

The Asia Fondation. 2014. Election in Indonesia

[1] Martha, Bainus, dan Heryadi. Pengaruh Pelaksanaan Demokrasi Terhadap Kesejahteraan: Teori Dan Realita (Studi Kasus: Indonesia). Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, Universitas Padjajaran
[2] The Asia Fondation. 2014. Election in Indonesia
[3] Indonesia Kreatif. 2014. The Legatum Prosperity Index 2013
[4] Ida, Laode. Sociology Department, Faculty of Social Sciences, Jakarta State University (UNJ). International Journal of Politics and Good Governance. Volume 5, No. 5.4 Quarter IV 2014
[5] L. Diamond. 2008. The Spirit of Democracy: the struggle to build free societies throughout the world. Times Books: Henry Holt an Company

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